Managers spend an average of 20 per cent of their time managing conflict (Thomas, 1992), and evidence suggests conflict and conflict management at work substantially influences individual wellbeing, group performance and organizational effectiveness. Conflict is inevitable and can be both positive and negative. Although it is impossible and probably not wise to eliminate conflict. Organizational Conflict is a social phenomenon that indicates competitive action over a common and conflicting interest. Organizations in which there is little or no conflict may stagnate. On the other hand, organizational/workplace conflict left uncontrolled may have dysfunctional effects. Considering the positive and negative effects of conflict, it is required in every organization to strike a balance. Conflict is required at a moderate level, not too much, not too little.
This training seminar contains resources for changing the norms that so often cause destructive conflict and replacing them with constructive, positive conflict behaviour. The core element in the CCPPA training system puts the tools of the professional conflict manager in the hands of every participants/employee to build better relationships  in the workplace. This is an essential component of every successful organization’s human resource development and organizational development strategic effort. Thousands of organizations have learned this practical tool for the prevention and early resolution of workplace conflicts.
Following the seminar, the participants would:                                        
·         Learn how to select and use the appropriate styles of handling conflict so that various situations can be effectively dealt with.
·         Learn how to assess workplace conflicts and mediate disputes to stimulate innovation, creativity and growth.
·         Develop practical skills and techniques to resolve disputes and design dispute resolution systems.
  • Get tools to manage conflicts constructively that improves decision making and provide alternative and synergistic solution to a problem.
  • Acquire ability to define issues that may be important to effectiveness in a leadership capacity by discovering their natural conflict handling style through seminar’s CONFLICT MANAGEMENT SELF ASSESMENT TOOL.

As a result of the employee/participants’ achievement of the above learning objectives
·         The financial cost of conflict will decline by 50%.
  • There would be enhanced individual and group performance, search for new approach, and a more articulate and clarified position.
·         The frequency of conflicts in the organization will decline by 50%.
·         Conflicts that do occur will be satisfactorily resolved 80% of the time without any involvement by a superior.
·         Employee satisfaction with the workplace will increase by 50%.

1.     Definition of Peace and Conflict Theory.
·         Positive Peace
·         Negative Peace
·         Role of structural Violence

2.    Workplace/Organizational Conflict Analysis
·         Types of Workplace conflict
·         Levels of Workplace Conflict
·         Causes of workplace Conflict
·         Stages of Workplace Conflict

3.    Workplace Conflict Management styles
4.    Workplace conflict Resolution and Transformation
5.    Self-Assessment tool; Participants to discover their Natural Conflict Handling style.

Negotiators (those who negotiate or need to resolve issues), Managers, HR professionals, Government employees, Business people, Labour Union and management representatives, Consultants, team leaders, educators, health care professionals, lawyers, accountants, potential professional mediators, law enforcement officers, traditional/religious/political leaders, opinion leaders, pastors, diplomats, legal advisers, company secretaries, Military personnel, NGO officials, civil society leaders and all CCPPA members.

At the end of the seminar, participants would be able to:
·         Reduce affective conflict at all levels rather than being controlled by them.
·         Resolve disputes while building and preserving relationships.
·         Deal with difficult and emotional people.
·         Negotiate thorny issues and reduce job stress and tension that may affect health.
·         Have a process to mediate disputes
·         Save cost being lost by impaired production and missed opportunities

Every seminar participants receives:
·         Seminar materials
·         Seminar folder

Our facilitators are certified by:
·         Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria
·         United States Institute of Peace
·         Peace Operation straining Institute
·         CCPPA 

The cost per person is as follows:

Registration: N20, 000
 (Covers: Tuition, Training materials, seminar folder, Lunch, Group photograph and Certificates). Reservation to this seminar is on a first-confirmed-first-served basis. Please call any of our hotlines 08092227911, 07037736911 for a confirmed reservation. Early registration is encouraged. Payment deadline is 16 th August, 2017.

DATE:  19th August, 2017.
NOTE: This seminar is compulsory for all CCPPA members and would be used as a criterion for membership upgrade.
Payment should be in cash payable directly to: Centre for Crisis Prevention & Peace Advocacy bank account: ECOBANK A/C No: 0313003522. Sort Code: 050080368
Rebate is available for organizations sending six or more candidates (Payment deadline is 16th, August 2017).
VENUE:  Onikan Youth Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos
Time:         10: 00 AM
For more information and to register, please call 08092227911, 07083886662 or send email to:  

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