This pilot programme is a project organized annually, design to unite youth from various communities, especially those emerging from conflict for a four-day conference devoted to heart-centered dialogue, the importance of service to others and cultural awareness. Authentic expression and exploration of self and the world, especially from the background of this arrangement. Youth participants would be nominated as “PEACE ADVOCATES” after attending the summit. Many of the youths, who will attend the summit will be those that have suffered from any form of atrocities of conflict s. The summit will bring together 100+ youth from about 50 communities. The National youth Peace Summit will challenge and inspire the youths to respect differences, explore commonalities and create one village united by the values of love, respect, honesty, community and service to others. It will provide an avenue, where people from all works of life can connect with one another on a human-to-human level, celebrate the country’s unity in diversity as well as sharing a living experience of peace.

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