Establishing peace is the work of education. The goal of this programme is to enhance local capacity for conflict transformation. It is important to recognize the crucial role of education in contributing to build a culture of peace since education is the key to uniting nations and bringing human beings closely together. A culture of peace and non-violence goes to the substance of fundamental human rights, social justice, democracy, literacy, respect and dignity for all, equality between men and women, cultural diversity and identity, among others. The educational action for promoting the concept of peace concerns the content of education and training, educational resources and materials, schools and university life, initial and on-going training for teachers, research and ongoing training for young people and adults. A culture of peace must take root in the classroom from an early age. It must continue to be reflected in the curricula in secondary and tertiary institutions. Peace education is a dynamic, long-term process: a life-time experience that requires participation at all levels-family, school, places of work, classroom, playgrounds, the community as well as the nation. Dealing with conflict creatively is a vital part of peace education. These interventions are targeted at the following areas:
•    Vulnerable societies and communities where peace is threatened.
•    Zones of active Violence and Communities emerging from violent conflicts
These interventions have multiple facets and conducted around the country: They include
  1. Conducting peacebuilding workshops and trainings for next generation of leaders i.e. the leaders   of tomorrow .This would involve peacebuilding education for students in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions and encouraging them to explore the world of conflict management in order to prepare them for the future.
  2. Facilitating workshops and seminars geared towards teachers, parents and other members of the school community as well as encouraging curriculum development.
  3. Workshops on conflict management for civil society leaders, military, law enforcement personnel and NGO staff to equip them with current skills for building peace.
  4. Capacity building workshops for women leaders on violence prevention and reconciliation.
  5. Skill/knowledge transfer workshops for government officials, international third party agents, traditional/religious leaders, youth leaders as well as local citizens on effective peacebuilding.
  6. Building a resource centre for conflict management education and creating a network of peace advocates and peace facilitators.

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