Emerging Realities in Peace, Security & Climate Change Training

Climate change is one of the most pervasive global threats to peace and security in the 21st century. But how many people would list this as a key factor in international relations and domestic welfare? In reality, climate change touches all areas of security, peace building, and development. The impacts of climate change are already adversely affecting vulnerable communities, as well as stretching the capacities of societies and governments.
Climate change is best understood as a ‘threat multiplier’, i.e. something that interacts with existing pressures (such as social conflict, economic inequality, large-scale migration, or competition for resources) and further compounds these issues—increasing the likelihood of instability or violent conflict.
Environmental degradation coupled with political, economic and social insecurity have become major drivers of migration and refugee movements. It is estimated that an annual average of 21.5 million people have been displaced by weather-related natural disasters since 2008, and thousands more have fled their homes due to droughts or land degradation and coastal erosion.

Climate change action - that is mitigation of climate change and global warming - is directly tied to the maintenance of peace. In the absence of substantial mitigating action, climate change is expected to lead increasingly to severe food and water shortages in many areas, in addition to coastal flooding, eventually leading to mass migrations and increased conflicts worldwide. That is, unchecked global warming will increasingly lead to the breakdown of peace, and threats to national and international security.

More than just a training seminar, this programme contains resources for creating awareness about the security implications of climate change. The core element in the CCPPA training system puts the skills of climate change mitigation in the hands of every participants/employee to build better resilience from the effects of hazards in a timely and efficient manner.

Following the seminar, the participants would:                                        
·         Learn how to use principled climate change mitigation techniques.
·         Learn how to assess capacity to improve risk reduction measures.
·         Develop practical skills and techniques to respond to actual or expected effects of climate change.
·         Acquire adaptive capacities to prevent or mitigate the effects of a given disaster.

As a result of the employee/participants’ achievement of the above learning objectives
·         The financial cost of unexpected hazards will decline by 50%.
·         Unexpected climate change effects that do occur will be satisfactorily handled with adaptive capabilities and resilience.
Module One:
v  Overview and context of climate Change on Peace and Security
v  What is Climate Change
ü  Climate change impact
ü  Climate change mitigation
ü  Climate change adaptation
ü  Hazard events vs Disaster Risk Reduction
ü  Adaptation and Resilience building
Module Two
v  Causes of Climate Change
ü  Internal causes Vs External causes
ü  Evidence of a rapid climate change
v  Climate Change Impact, Vulnerability and why it exists
v  Climate Change Adaptability and the Development sector
v  Climate Change and Resilience
v  Impact of Climate Change on Global Peace and Security
v  Conclusions and Recommendations on Peace, Security and Climate change.
Negotiators (those who negotiate or need to resolve issues), Managers, Directors & Executives, HR professionals, company secretaries, Government employees, Business people, Labour Union and management representatives, Consultants, team leaders, educators, health care professionals, lawyers, accountants, potential professional mediators, law enforcement officers, traditional/religious/political leaders, opinion leaders, pastors, diplomats, legal advisers, company secretaries, entrepreneurs & proprietors ,  imams, secretaries, peace professionals, paramilitary, arbitrators,  Military personnel, NGO & CSO  officials, opinion leaders, civil society leaders and all CCPPA members.

At the end of the seminar, participants would be able to:
·         Contribute to developing more effective security policies.
·         Build better resilience from the effects of hazards in a timely and efficient manner.
  • Facilitate mainstreaming climate change and security and for governance mechanisms at all levels.
  • ·         Have a process to check global warming capable of leading to a breakdown of peace
  • ·         Save cost being lost by impaired production as a result of effects of climate change.
Every seminar participants receives:
·         Seminar material
·         Seminar folder
Our facilitators are certified by:
·         Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria
·         United States Institute of Peace
·         Peace Operation straining Institute
·         CCPPA 
The cost per person is as follows:

Registration: N20, 000 (CCPPA Members) & N25,000 (Non CCPPA Members)
 (Covers: Tuition, Training materials, seminar folder, Lunch, Group photograph and Certificates). Reservation to this seminar is on a first-confirmed-first-served basis. Please call any of our hotlines 08092227911, 07037736911 for a confirmed reservation. Early bird registration on or before 16th September, 2018 attracts discount of N5, 000. Payment deadline is 27th September, 2018.

NOTE: This seminar is compulsory for all CCPPA members and would be considered as a requirement for membership upgrade.

DATE:  29th September, 2018.
Payment should be in cash payable directly to: Centre for Crisis Prevention & Peace Advocacy bank account: ECOBANK A/C No: 0313003522.
Rebate is available for organizations sending six or more candidates (Payment deadline is 27th September, 2018).
VENUE:  IBI training Centre, Discovery Mall, Plot 215, Ademola Adetokunboh Crescent, Wuse 2, Abuja. 
Time:         10: 00 am
For more information and to register, please call 08092227911, 07083886662 or send email to: centreforcrisisprevention@gmail.com or info@ccppa.org.ng

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