The great philosopher karl marx wrote that ‘religion is the opium of the
people’. He was of the view that
religion is a tool of oppression used by our owners of means of
labour to suppress their workers. In
religion, people are told to accept their fate in the society as God-given ,irrespective
of how they may be suffering grievously under their yoke.
However ,it is believed that
the chief aim of all faiths is to explore the nature of man’s existence
on earth his relation to things
around him and his happiness .All the
great thinkers believed in and taught about
these same great
underlying universal truths. But the different or peculiar cultural
lenses through which these great thoughts have
been expressed make them appear superficially different in
their widest forms.
When religion runs along the
ethnic lines of a particular group of people, there is usually a special
attachment to that religion, which in turn becomes a highly cherished value for
such people. And when value comes into play in any conflict, it is usually
difficult if not impossible to resolve such a conflict.This is because ,it is
very rare for people to be persuaded to change the
value or identities they have
grown up with and hold sacred .One successful way in
which such conflict
have been resolved is simply, by
showing respect for each other’s values and tolerate them .
All over the world and even
in Nigeria, leaders have been known to use religion to further their selfish
ambitions to the detriment of the whole society. In pursuing such ambitions they
use religion to fan ethnic sentiment and ferment conflict between
This is why it has become
imperative to urge religious leaders in the country, and world at large .to
embrace ECUMENISM, especially through educating their followers on the need for
religious tolerance and peacemaking. These leaders should begin to explore
with their followers the many commonalities of the different
religions. This could foster good and healthy relationships between them instead
of amplifying their few differences to divide them. Infact, the
leaders of the different religious groups should be in the forefront of working
to reconcile such divided people or groups.
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